Wednesday 8 April 2015

Moses Basket Amy

Nearly five years after my last child was born, I was thrilled to discover I was pregnant.  My other children were at school and crèche so I was looking forward to having a baby in the house again.  At that time my sister was expecting her first baby so I decided not to tell anyone about my news.  In previous pregnancies I usually looked like I was ready to give birth from the moment I knew I was “with child” as they say.  My morning sickness was not as bad as other times so things were going well.  January 1986 my sister gave birth to a beautiful daughter and she named her Emma.  I went to visit her in hospital and was very pleased that nobody knew I was pregnant.  I had loaned my Moses basket to a friend who was expecting twins, so it was time once again to get the basket back and have it prepared for my baby. The other children were told they were going to have a new baby and were very excited.  This time there was no debate about whether it should be a boy or girl, thank heavens. July was coming round fast and thankfully school holidays had arrived.  It gave me a break from car journeys.  My sister Celestine came down to give a hand with the children while I was in hospital. My sister lived in Dublin, and she told us she was going to fly down to Cork and was picked up at the airport.  My kids thought this was magical and all the friends were informed.  Back in 1986 it was a big deal to travel by air other than going abroad.  I had an appointment with my Gynaecologist on the 2nd of July in the Victoria Hospital and was told to bring my case with me.  After the visit he told me he was going to admit me with the possibility of inducing me the next morning.  I was both pleased and nervous as I had hoped to go into labour myself and this was not going to plan.  I was admitted later that night and about 7.20am the next morning I knew I was going into labour.  I was taken down to the labour ward. Again no time for Epidural!  At one minute to 8 on July 3rd 1986 my daughter Amy Pamela was born, she was beautiful.  It was just the two of us as there was no time for anyone to get in from Aghada.  She was so peaceful and content and very alert.  Some hours later we were returned to my room and she slept so peacefully.  I had to wake her for her bottles she was so content. I was allowed to go home on the Saturday and the trusty Moses basket once more made its way into Cork.    All her brothers and sisters were so pleased to see her.  They all were big enough to be able to help with feeding and changing nappies.  True to form our dog took up his guarding position at the base of mosses basket stand.  Eight years ago last February, it was a great joy to see Amy’s own daughter and my granddaughter Eva sleeping in that same basket.  It brought back all those memories and she looked so much like Amy it was uncanny.  I do hope in future years that the basket will still be used and give some lasting memories for the parents and lovely stories for the occupants.  One little story regarding the plane, Amy’s sister Sarah went to the airport to see her aunt off.  She was watching the plane waiting to take off at the end of the runway, when she said look its like its taking a deep breath before it goes into the sky.

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