Wednesday 25 March 2015

Brownies Book and Toadstool

So here’s my item that is memorable to me.  It’s actually two items, but they kind of are linked together.  I was in the Brownies when I was a child and I absolutely LOVED, LOVED being in the Brownies.  That’s why I've kept my things from the Brownies.  This was my copybook, it said my name Alison and my address and age 8, 9, 10 and obviously I didn’t continue with it beyond that. But ehm I just love looking back through all of the little pictures that I drew when I was that age, and actually, looking back through it I didn’t realise how much we talked about God in the Brownies.

But nearly every page has something got to do with God and little pictures from magazines that we had cut out, and oh, it’s just so cute that we thought God was amazing......Thank you God for the weather......Thank you God for my bed.  And there is a picture of my Mam and Dad in their youth, and my Mam wrote “Alison set the table every day”, because we obviously  were told that we had to do special things at home.  But anyway it wasn’t really even about that, it’s just I loved being in the Brownies and I eventually became the leader of my group which was called a sixer, and I kept the neatest roll book for my group and because of that I won my own Toadstool and I still , I lost the door off of it but I still have my Toadstool and the box that it came in.  But it was very, very, very exciting to witness.  I remember all the other girls being very jealous that I had this and ehm actually in my school copies around the time when I was in the Brownies... Everyday for my news was ‘my news, today is Monday , I have Brownies tomorrow night'.  And then on Tuesday ‘My news, today is Tuesday, I have Brownies tonight’.  And then on Wednesday ‘I was at Brownies last night’.  Then Thursday was ‘I can’t wait for Brownies next week’.  So I always had news when I was in the Brownies.  If only life could be so simple now.

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